NAD+ (Up to 250mg, 2 hours)
NAD+ is essential to all cellular processes. Do you have enough?
Service Description
Take advantage of Oxford, MIT, and Harvard studies showing the cutting edge of longevity medicine. This treatment provides 250mg of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) in a Lactated Ringers 1000mL IV treatment. This would be for those focusing on NAD+ for its effects on brain restoration, enhanced energy, mental clarity, and anti-aging. For the science, see the links below. However, think about your body like an engine. You put gas in it, but if you never change the oil eventually it will stop running. With your body, the MITOCHONDRIA are the things in your cells that make the energy you use from the fuel you eat. NAD+/NADH are required for the process to work and levels decline with age. If you have no NAD+ in your body, you would die in 30 seconds and in addition to age, lifestyle choices, environmental exposure, and Harvard Study: "We are as old as our arteries, the adage goes, so could reversing the aging of blood vessels hold the key to restoring youthful vitality? The answer appears to be yes..." "The study reveals that NAD+ and SIRT1 provide a critical interface that enables the conversation between endothelial cells in the walls of blood vessels and muscle cells." MIT Study: "NAD+ levels decline during the aging process and may be an Achilles’ heel, causing defects in nuclear and mitochondrial functions and resulting in many age-associated pathologies."
Cancellation Policy
Happy to rain check, not to cancel last minute.
Contact Details
546 Main St. Suite 401 Grand Junction, co 81501 Grand Junction, CO, USA